
Super metroid randomizer water rooms
Super metroid randomizer water rooms

super metroid randomizer water rooms

  • B + L spawns the enemy only if it has a name, and exits the enemy debugger.
  • L spawns the enemy and exits the enemy debugger.
  • Down selected the next enemy set entry.
  • It allows you to spawn an enemy from the current room's enemy set, using a predefined enemy population entry, to the previously specified spawn position. Pressing L brings you to the enemy spawner.
  • Select respawns the enemy with the new spawn data.
  • A sets the spawn position to the enemy's current position.
  • It allows you to edit the enemy's position (PosX/PosY), initialisation parameter (Pose), properties (Swt) and general purpose parameters (Opt). Pressing R again brings you to the enemy spawn data editor.
  • Select selects the next enemy, B + Select selects the previous enemy.
  • D-Pad moves the selected enemy, X + D-Pad moves the enemy faster.
  • The first tool is the enemy mover it shows you the enemy's RAM index, name, position, HP, and the enemy set name. R starts the enemy debugger (which loads the enemy debugger font).
  • Select exits the enemy allocation viewer.
  • It shows you which palette index each enemy in the enemy set uses and the total number of rows of tiles in VRAM used by the enemies collectively. Select brings up the enemy allocation viewer (needs the debugger font). using the ship, using an elevator, acquiring a suit upgrade) to enable uber invincibility (press L and A again to disable their respective effects, and R twice to exit the enemy debugger).
  • Hold L + R and press A whilst Samus is facing forward (e.g.
  • super metroid randomizer water rooms

  • A - Toggle sprite interactions (enemies/projectile/Samus collision, bomb jumps).
  • The standard Select + Start + L + R reset combo is enabled.
  • PAL exclusive: Hold Select + L and press B to get lots of health and ammo plus all equipment, along with switching to the next beam configuration (this never enables Spazer + Plasma).
  • PAL exclusive: In this mode, Missile and Super Missile count shows position of Samus in Morph Ball.
  • Hold Select + R and press B to set Missiles, Super Missiles, and Power Bombs to 0.
  • Hold Select + L and press Y to toggle spare CPU display (turns down screen brightness when processing for the current frame has finished).
  • Hold Select + R and press A to toggle Layer 3 (HUD, liquids/fogs).
  • Holding Select + L and pressing A a third time will exit the palette viewer.
  • Holding Select + L and pressing A again will bring up the second page, which shows the background palettes (note: this overwrites the sprite palettes and sprite tiles).
  • The first page shows the sprite palettes.
  • Holding Select + L and pressing A will open a palette viewer.
  • Holding Select + L and pressing X a third time will exit the sprite viewer.
  • Holding Select + L and pressing X again will bring up the second page, which shows non-enemy sprite tiles in a fixed palette.
  • Holding Select + L and pressing A will cycle through the loaded enemy palettes.
  • Holding Select + L and pressing X will open a sprite tile viewer.
  • Various debugging features can be unlocked during normal gameplay via button combos on Controller 1: (As a side effect of this, having the code active while launching a new game will skip the game's introduction and start the player on Zebes rather than Ceres Station.) In addition to selecting which region of the planet to start in, you can also pick a spot within that region using Select on Controller 2. This allows you to fight some early bosses with powerful weapons.Pro Action Replay code 808004FF enables a whole mess of debugging features. Saving anywhere will result in everything being reset in your file except for your powerups. The all-but-Wave-Beam combination will cause you to eternally fall through floors in most rooms. Having every beam on when you already have a shot charged will create a ball of damaging energy in front of you. Combinations known to work are all on and all but wave beam on.
  • Notes: Many of the combinations will cause the game to freeze, but what might give better effects to to charge up a shot and then change beams.
  • super metroid randomizer water rooms

    Deactivate individual beams for different effects. If done correctly, all of your beams will be active and there will be a VAR next to the plasma beam. Put the cursor on your boot upgrade and push left and whatever button you have for selecting weapons.

  • How to: Activate all beams but the plasma beam.
  • Prerequisites: Have all beams and at least one boot upgrade.
  • Effect: Allows the use of strange beams.
  • It may be hard to see in the video, but he fires the beam once.

    super metroid randomizer water rooms

    A player using the all but wave beam combination to reset their file.

    Super metroid randomizer water rooms